在音乐的古典主义时期 ,除了海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬 ,尚有多位人物在宗教音乐上颇有建树。海顿的《创世纪》 ,是古典主义时期宗教音乐的典范之作 ,同样是在这部旷世之作中 ,宗教的因素与世俗的情结相互交融 ,“常”的因素与“变”的因素相互交织 ,且表现出一种颇为独特的对话形式。
In the classical period of music, besides Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven, there we re many other musicians who had made contributions to religious music.“Genesis ”, created by Hayden, is a model of religious music at that period. In this fam ous works, factors of religion and secularity, factors of “regularity”and“var iation”are blended, a typical form of dialogue has occurred.