目的 :探讨肝细胞癌 ( HCC)癌细胞分化程度及瘤灶大小与钆喷酸葡胺 ( Gd-DTPA)动态增强扫描信号变化的相关性。方法 :对 46例经手术及病理证实的 HCC动态增强扫描各期的 MR征象进行分析 ,并将 HCC的动脉期强化程度与病理分级、瘤灶大小的关系作统计学分析。结果 :HCC动态增强扫描动脉期信号强化程度 ,随着癌细胞分化程度的降低 ,以及随着瘤灶体积的不断增大 ,有逐渐增加的趋势。结论 :HCC的动态增强扫描 ,为研究 HCC不同病灶大小、不同分化程度癌灶的血流动力学提供了可能。
Objective: To investigate the correlation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) examined by the dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI with the degree of cellular differentiation and the size of focal lesions. Materials and methods: The scanning patterns of the different phases of DCE MRI of forty six cases of HCCs, that were confirmed by pathology after operation, were studied. The enhancement of HCCs in the arterial phase was analyzed according to the degree of pathological differentiation and the size of focal lesions. The collected data were analyzed by statistics. Results: The increasing pattern of the scanning enhancement in the arterial phase of DCE MRI of HCCs was shown as worse differentiation and larger size of HCCs. Conclusions: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI provides a method for studying of the blood dynamics of HCCs.
Shaanxi Medical Journal