1Donna M. Schlagheck, International Terrorism, Amsterdam:North - Holland Publishing Company, 1988, P. 108.
2Stephen Segallar, Invisible Armies : Terrorism into the 1990s,London : Michael Joseph Ltd, 1986, P. 11.
3Brigitte Lebens Nacos, Terrorism and the Media, NewYork: Columbia Univ. Press, 1994, P. 53.
4Walter Laqueur, The Age of Terrorism, Boston: Little,Brown and Company, 1987, P. 121.
5Brigitte Lebens Nacos, op. cir. , P. 156.
6Neil C. Livingstone, The War against Terrorism, Lexington Massa - chusetts: D.C. Heath and Company, 1982,P. 72, 15.59, P. 57.
7Lawrence Howard (ed.), Terrorism, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1992, P. 97.
8Neil C. Livingstone, op. cit , P. 62.
9Brigitte Lebens Naeos, op. cir. , PP. 56 -59; and Walterl Laqueur, op. cir. , P. 123.
10Oliver Trager ed. , Fighting Terrorism: Negotiation or Retaliation? New York N. Y. : Facts on File Publications, 1986,P. 220; and Walter Laqueur, op. cit , P. 124.