《婴宁》是蒲松龄的代表作《聊斋志异》中的一则文言小说。在这则短篇文言小说中 ,作者应用了大量的重复和象征的写作手法 ,从而使小说散发出一种特有的传奇色彩的神秘艺术魅力 ,产生了深远的社会效果。通过分析《婴宁》中的人物性格的描写 ,从一侧面初步显示 ,对文学作品进行文体分析可以达到欣赏的目的 ,并希望藉此对教学有所启示。
Pu Songling was a famous novelist. In his creativity, 《Ying Ning》, Pu Songling uses rhetoric of repeat and symbolic and presents the heroine’s characteristics. By doing so, he carefully explores the conflicts between the ideal life and society. The author of this paper illustrates, on the stylistics level, the description of the heroine's characteristics, pointing out stylistics is helpful to English teaching. [
Journal of Luliang Higher College