以精神分析理论为基点对《红与黑》进行解读 ,在充满激情的表层文字下发掘作品的深层意蕴。通过分析作品主人公于连短暂一生的欲望浮沉 ,说明《红与黑》是一部记载人类迷失与觉醒的寓言 ,它表达了作品著者司汤达对于人类生存困境的关注与思考。
This paper uses the theory of Psychoanalysis to analyze“Red and Blacd”,trying to explore the deep meaning of this works under its passionate superficial words.Through the analysis of the changing desire in Julien's limited life,this paper tries to claim that“Red and Black”is a fable about the missing and awakening of human being.It presents Stendhal's contemplation of the existence dilemma of human being.
Journal of Luliang Higher College