
美国会同中国进行太空合作吗? 被引量:1

Will the U.S. Be Willing to Cooperate with China in Space Program?
摘要 中国的航天成就和航天计划引起美国对华政策的重大关注.中国坚持太空非军事化的基本方针并永不参与太空竞赛.然而目前中美不大可能进行太空合作,这是因为美国出于其国家安全考虑,不可能将涉及高技术的太空技术转让给中国,中国在可以预见的将来也不可能分担美国太空计划庞大的资金需求. China's achievements in space and its space programs have caused great concern of the U.S. in its relations with China. China persists in the basic principle of non-militarization of space and will never take part in space race. However, China and the U.S. can hardly be able to cooperate in space exploration at the present time for the reason that the U.S. will not likely transfer its hi-tech involved space technology to China without the consideration of its national security. Likewise, China will not be able to share the responsibility of putting enormous capitals on the U.S. space programs in the foreseeable future.
作者 朱锋
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2004年第4期26-30,共5页 Peace and Development
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