经济勘探在海上油气勘探中越来越受到重视 ,含油气构造经济下限资源量确定是经济勘探评价中的一项重要内容。探讨了确定海上含气构造经济下限资源量的方法 :对影响海上含气构造经济下限资源量的各种因素进行分析 ;将影响因素量化为经济评价所能接受的独立可变参数并确定出关键参数 ;在评价区寻找一个处于经济界限边缘的含气构造开发基础方案并进行相关参数化处理 ;将用于经济下限资源量确定的各项参数值与基础方案相应参数值进行对比、校正 ;然后进行油藏工程概算、投资估算、经济评价计算 ;
Economic exploration is becoming more and more important in offshore petroleum exploration, in which it is a major aspect to determine lower economic limit resources for hydrocarbon prospects. In this paper, a methodology is preliminarily discussed for determination of lower economic limit resources in offshore gas prospects. First, all factors to control the economic limit resources have to be analyzed and quantified into independent variables that can be used in an economic evaluation, and then the key variables are selected. Second, a basic development plan should be found for a prospect with marginal economy in the block evaluated, and then a parameterization should be made for the plan. Third, the variables to determine the lower economic limit resources should be compared with the relevant parameters from the basic development plan and then corrected. Fourth, the engineering budget, investment project and economic gain can be estimated, and the lower economic limit resources are finally determined for the gas prospects.
China Offshore Oil and Gas