焦化洗氨洗萘水氰浓度高、酚浓度低、水量大 ,若直接进行生化处理会即刻杀死微生物 ,萍乡钢铁有限责任公司研究开发了铁盐法脱氰预处理工艺 ,但处理后废水中氰浓度仍在 10~ 18mg/L ,对于脱酚细菌仍属高浓度。根据对活性污泥的驯化过程对脱酚活性污泥影响的研究 ,得出适于细菌生存繁殖的运行参数为磷酸二氢钠加入量 12kg/d以上 ,葡萄糖 9kg/d以上 ,自沉污泥指数约 2 0mL/10 0mL ,回流污泥指数约 30mL/10 0mL ,温度为 2 5~35℃。
In coking plants the large amount of waste water from washing naphthalene and ammonia contains high concentration of cyanide and less phenol in it. If it is handled directly by biological treatment the microbes containing in it will be killed immediately. Pingxiang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has developed a de-cyanide pretreatment technology with molysite, but the concentration of CN - at a range of 10~18 mg/L in the wastewater after treating is still too high as for germ in dephenolization. The influence on the active mud for dephenolization were studied and the optimum operation parameters suitable for germ’s living and breeding were obtained, i.e. the dosage of sodium dihydrogen phosphate and glucose is over 12 kg/d and 9 kg/d respectively, self-subside mud index is 20mL/100mL, circumfluence mud index 30mL/100mL and temperature at a range of 25~35℃。
Fine and Specialty Chemicals