以两期TM遥感图像为数据源,在遥感图像处理和地理信息系统技术的支持下,获取了坝上地区1987-1999年的土地利用/覆盖变化信息。结果表明:12 a间,增加的面积是居民地、林地、高覆盖度草地和耕地;减少的面积是沙盐碱地、水体和低覆盖度草地。研究区的沙盐碱地面积从1985.89 km2减少到1250.75 km2,减少了37.02%,年动态度为-3.08%。坝上东部沙漠化得到遏制,而西部张北、康保一带沙盐碱化土地有所扩展。研究成果为合理准确分析坝上地区的土地沙化成因机制及环境变化趋势提供了有效的数据支持,同时为政府制定改善坝上地区生态环境的措施提供有力的决策支持。
In this paper, the information of land use/cover change in the Bashang region, Hebei Province during the period of 1987 - 1999, is derived from the TM images in 1987 and 1999 based on the technologies of RS image processing and GIS. The results show that, during the 12 years, the areas of residential areas, woodlands, grasslands with high coverage and farmlands were enlarged, whereas the areas of sandy saline or alkaline lands, waters and grasslands with low coverage were reduced. In the study area, the area of sandy saline or alkaline lands was reduced from 1 985. 89 km2 to 1 250. 75 km2, it was reduced by 37. 02% , and the annual change rate was - 3.08 % . The land desertification was kept within limits in the east Bashang region; however, the area of sandy saline or alkaline lands in the Zhangbei and Kangbao regions in the west was enlarged to some extent. The study achievements can be used as the effective data in analyzing the mechanism of the causes resulting in the land desertification and the environment change trend in the Bashang region, and can also be referred in the decision-making of the measures for improving the ecological environment in the Bashang region.
Arid Zone Research