94 cases of oral mucosal tuberculosis confirmed by biopsy were studied. The result showed that there was predominance of male over female (about 5:1 ). 60% of all ocurred in the age of over 50 years, 10.6% patients had a history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Clinical manifestations of 91% in all were oral mucosal ulcer. The most frequent seat of an oral tuberculous ulceration was tonque, followed by the cheek, palate, labial mucosa.and gingiva. 40% patients had two or more ulccerative lesions. Only 38% patients were diagnosed as oral mucosal tuberculosis by clinical doctor. It was easy to misdiagnose as carinoma when the ulceration located on tonque, gingiva and cheek. Reasons of misdiagnoisis were discussed in detail.
Journal of Comprehensive Stomatology