目的 :探索信号强度在帕金森病定向手术中的定位作用。方法 :在 14例次丘脑毁损术和 4 3例次苍白球毁损术微电极行进过程中连续记录神经元放电 ,计算信号强度 ,绘制信号强度距离分布曲线 ,研究丘脑毁损术和苍白球毁损术中各核团的信号强度的差异。结果 :丘脑毁损术中微电极进针路径上各核团的信号强度具有很好特异性。尾状核与丘脑间的白质同尾状核和丘脑之间以及丘脑与丘脑腹中间核之间相差数倍以上 ,更易辨别 ,绘制信号强度距离分布曲线结果更加明显。苍白球毁损术中微电极进针路径上各部位的信号强度虽有明显差异 ,信号强度距离分布曲线呈现波动性。结论 :信号强度可以作为丘脑毁损术中一种神经电生理定位方法 。
Objective: To investigate the role of signal intensity in stereotaxy for Parkinson's disease.Methods:During the course of 14 microelectrode-guided selective thalamotomy and 43 pallidotomy for parkinson's disease patients neuron discharge was recorded continuously. Signal intensity of all nuclens was computed and the cure of signal intensity-distance was ploted.It was compared signal intensity among the nucleus in Parkinson's disease stereotaxy. Results:The signal intensity of different nucleus in thalamotomy is different The signal intensity of white matter was different from caudate nucleus and thalamencephal, At the same time the signal intensity of dorsal thalamus was different sharply from vim to several times. Theses differences were distinguished. The differences were more obvious when the distance-intensity cures were ploted on the other hand, although the signal intensity among nucleus in pallidotomy were different the difference were distinguished difficultly, because the cure of distance-intensity was fluctuated. Conclusion:Signal intensity can be a kind of localization method in thalamotomy but It was not good in pallidotomy.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School