由于历史的和现实的种种原因使得我国社会目前正经历着一定程度的诚信危机。"国无诚不兴,人无信不立",诚信 是社会主义市场经济的灵魂,应净化社会诚信环境,建立科学规范的诚信制度,改革传统的道德教育模式。
Since it is of history, with realistic various reasons the sincerity crisis that makes the society of our country be now going through certain level. 'country do not have Cheng out of fashion, person do not have letter do not stand ', sincerity is the soul of socialist market economy, should purify social sincerity environment, establish the sincerity system of scientific specification and the various abuse in reform morals education.
Journal of Shaanxi Administration School and Shaanxi Economic Management School