随着加速控制麻疹的深入开展 ,婴儿麻疹发病构成呈上升趋势。婴儿麻疹发病主要与原发性免疫失败、胎传抗体过早消失、婴儿初免月龄内发病、接种不及时和接种技术不规范等因素有关 ,或是以上因素综合作用的结果。为此 ,当前控制婴儿麻疹可从以下几个方面着手 :一是提高常规免疫接种率和接种质量 ;二是通过提高人群免疫覆盖率阻断麻疹野病毒循环 ,提高大年龄组儿童的接种率来保证 <8月龄婴儿不至暴露于麻疹感染中 ;三是将育龄期妇女的麻疹疫苗接种纳入控制婴儿麻疹的措施。
Along with the progress o f accelerating measles control,the reported incidence of infant measl es cases was rising.Infant mea sles were mainly due to the unsucce ssful original immunization,the ea rlier disappearance of maternal an tibody,occurrence of disease young er than 8 months old,delayed immun ization,unstandard vaccination pra ctice or resulted from the effect of the combination of above factor s.So the measures to control infan t measles are as following: firstly, to improve routine immunization co verage and quality,secondly, to int errupt the wild measles virus circ ulation by increasing the immuniza tion coverage among general popula tion,and increase the immunizati on coverage among the older childr en to prevent infants below 8 mont hs old from being exposed to measl es infection,and lastly, to incorporat e the measles vaccine immunization to child-bearing aged women into m easles control.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Infant measles
Cause of disease
Immunization strategy