电脑刺绣机针杆机构和挑线机构是形成刺绣线迹的主要机构 ,当刺绣机绣针刺入绣布时 ,其绣框不运动 ,当刺绣机绣针离开绣布时 ,其绣框沿X、Y方向运动 ,以形成绣花图样 ,而针杆机构和挑线机构均固结在电脑刺绣机横梁之上 ,因此横梁振动情况对形成高质量的刺绣线迹是十分重要的。该文以 2 0头电脑刺绣机横梁为研究对象 ,分别运用简单梁理论 ,ANSYS有限元模拟 ,实验测试三种方法仿真分析了电脑刺绣机横梁弯曲振动的固有频率 ,得出了横梁弯曲振动的位移、速度和加速度响应幅值 ,所得结论可用于电脑刺绣机横梁长度、截面形状和固定方式的改进设计 。
The needle bar and the thread-taking-up are the main mechanism to form the thread trace of the embroidery in computerized embroidery machine. The embroidery frame does not move when the embroidery needle pierce cloth, the embroidery frame move in the direction of X axis and Y axis to form the embroidery pattern when the embroidery needle leave the embroidery cloth, but the needle bar and the thread-taking-up mechanism are fixed to the beam in computerized embroidery machine, so the bending vibration of the beam is very important for forming high quality thread trace of the embroidery. Based on the study of the beam in computerized embroidery machine with 20 driving mechanism, this paper sets out to simulate the natural frequency of the beam bending vibration in computerized embroidery machine by using the theory of simple beam, the finite element theory of ANSYS and the experiment test theory. The vibration performance of the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration response of the beam in computerized embroidery machine are analyzed in detail by the experiment test theory. The response amplitude of the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration response has been acquired. The conclusion can be applied to the improvement design of the length, cut form and the fixing form of the beam in computerized embroidery machine, and to get the higher quality thread trace of the embroidery.
Computer Simulation
"北京市教委科技发展计划项目"(KM2 0 0 3 10 0 110 4)
Computerized embroidery machine
Bending vibration