内心演练教学法 ,用于高等师范女生篮球运球上篮技术教学之中 ,是一种新的尝试。内心演练教学法要求学生在练习篮球运动技术动作之前 ,在头脑中反复重现所学技术动作的形象 ,在脑中形象化、动作结构完整化和系统化 ,从而使技能达到熟练程度 ,形成技巧。
The teaching method of heart drilling is a species new experiment to apply in each teach of science dribble go to basket on Basketall of college schoolgirls.It requirec the students learn technique of movenments at exercise technology of basketabll by rethinking them in their minds they have been taught it before they begin to exercise skill of movement should be imaged their structure should be complete and systematic thus making technical abilities consurnmate skills.
Sichuan Sports Science