对任瑞萍与第 6届世锦赛女子三级跳远冠亚军进行对比分析时发现 ,任瑞萍在助跑最后 5m的水平速度、第一、第二跳的距离及一、二跳的垂直速度以及跑跨跳结合能力等方面均差于对方。这些是导致成绩差距的主要原因。
By comparing Ren Rei ping with the champion and the second place winner hop,step and jump'in the sixth World Track and Field championships,we found that her level speed of the last five metres of approaching,her distance and vertical speed of hop and jump,and her synthetic ability of hop,step and jump were all lower than the other side's ,which mainly caused the disparity of the final result
Sichuan Sports Science