从德国的社会经济实际状况考察 ,失业率居高不下的主要根源是经济的持续低速增长以及劳动力市场运行中的制度性障碍。中国当前正处于加速经济结构调整时期 ,失业率呈上升趋势 ,这既是传统的计划经济体制造成富余劳动力累积并延后释放的结果 ,也是中国历史上的人口高速增长和过高的劳动力参与率所导致的结果。通过比较分析 ,德国劳动力市场运行中采取的一些具体作法及其产生的负面效应应引起我们的高度重视。工会面对劳动就业的严峻局势 ,应吸取德国的经验和教训 ,在参与劳动力市场的培育和完善过程中 ,特别要着眼于维护职工的长远利益。
The major reasons of continuous high unemployment rate include the sustained slow growth of economy and some systematic impediment in the running of labour market In China, the increased unemployment rate in the phase of speeding up economic restructuring is the result of both the release of redundant labour force in a planned economy, and the rapid increase of population and too high labor participation rate in history We should pay much attention to some practices adapted in the labour market in Germany and the negative influence Trade unions in China should draw a lesson from Germany and emphasis to protect the long-term interests of staff and workers in the process of developing labour market system
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions