本文辨析了与《三国演义》有关的三个问题 :(1)《残唐五代史演义传》并非罗贯中的作品 ,而是明代后期书商编纂的托名之作。 (2 )桥国老与曾任东汉太尉的桥玄 ,籍贯和生活年代都不同 ,不能混为一谈。 (3)历史上的诸葛亮曾任“军师中郎将” ,“军师将军” ,而非“军师”。当时的“军师”只是军事幕僚 ,而非军队统帅。
This paper clarifies three misunderstandings concerning "The Romance of Three Kingdoms": 1 LUO Guan_zhong is not the author of "Cantangwudaishiyanyizhuan" which appeared in late Ming Dynasty in his name; 2 QIAO Guolao is not QIAO Xuan who are of different birthplaces and times; and 3 The position of "Junshi" in the Period of Three Kingdoms was simply a military counselor, not the army commander.
Journal of Hanzhong Teachers College