
柔性协同事务模型(英文) 被引量:3

Flexible Cooperative Transaction Model
摘要 提出了一个 CSCW领域中的高级事务处理模型—柔性协同事务模型 FCTM(flexible cooperativetransaction model) .首先给出了协同事务的定义 ,并描述了协同事务的状态 ,然后从协同事务的状态角度刻画协同事务之间、协同事务与外部环境之间的复杂依赖关系 ,最后用协同事务的状态依赖描述了可串行化正确性准则 .FCTM的优点在于用户能够根据不同的 CSCW应用领域的需求 ,灵活地定义协同事务的状态和状态依赖 . An advanced transaction model for CSCW applications—FCFM (flexible cooperative transaction model) is presented in this paper. Firstly, the definition of cooperative transactions is given and the states of them are specified. Secondly, the dependencies among cooperative transactions and those between cooperative transactions and outside environments are specified in terms of states of cooperative transactions. Finally, the serializability correctness criterion for the presented model is specified by state dependencies of cooperative transactions. The main advantage of FCTM is that users can customize the states and state dependencies of cooperative transactions to reflect the different requirements of CSCW applications.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期720-726,共7页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金&&
关键词 CSCW 事务处理 依赖关系 可串行化正确性准则 CSCW, transaction processing, dependency, serializability correctness criterion.
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