
寡毛实蝇属三新种(双翅目:实蝇科) 被引量:4

摘要 本文记述的3新种,即广西实蝇Dacus(Zeugodacus)guangxianus、近黑颜实蝇D.(Zeugodacus)parater和那大实蝇D.(Asiadacus)nadanus,是1982-1985年在南方各地果园中用诱蝇酮(cue-lure)诱获的,寄主不明。所有模式标本均存放于北京农业部植物检疫实验所。在此谨向提供标本的同志致谢。 In this paper, three new species, viz. Dacus (Zeugodacus) guangxianus, D. (Zeugodacus) parater and D. (Asiadacus) nadanus, are described. All the specimens were attracted to cue lure in the orchards of South China. The types are deposited in the Plant Quarantine Institute, M inistry of Agriculture, Beijing, China.1.Dacus (Zeugodacus)guangxianus, sp. nov. (fig. 1)Holotype , Guangxi Provinces Napo, 21- Ⅶ -1983, Wang Ketuan; para types 23, same as holotype; 5 , Guangxi Province: Nandan, VI -1984, Liang Richong.This species is differentiated from the known congeners by having a broad dark fuscous facial band, but it is similar to Dacus (Zeugodacus)caudatus Fabricius. Both species can be easily separated because the former has the abdominal terga I to V all dark fuscous and the median postsutural yellow vitta in middle width;in contrast, the latter has the abdomen largely yellow to rufous and the median postsutural yellow vitta very broad. Furthermore, the former is a smaller sized species, but the latter a little larger (body 6.25-6.5 mm, wing 5.7-6.1 mm).Length: body 4.9- 5.1 mm, wing 4.7 mm.2.Dacus (Zeugodacus)parater, sp. nov. (fig. 2)Holotype , Guangxi Province: Bose, 19- V -1983, Li Yuanbo ;paratype 1,same as holotype.This species closely resembles Dacus (Zeugodacus) sicieni Chao et Lin (a new name for D. (Zeugodacus) ater (Chen)] , but differs from the latterly having two pairs of scutellar bristles, rather than one; face largely black with a yellow brown crescent spot along epistoma and lacking a black spot at the apex of scutellum.Length: body 5.8 mm, wing 5.5 mm. 3. Dacus (Asiadacus)nadanus, sp. nov. (fig. 3)Holotype , Hainan Island: Nada (Da Xian), 24- Ⅷ- 1984, Zhang Jun. This species has only a pair of thin lowest inferior fronto-orbitals and lacks anterior supra-alar and prescutellar bristles. Furthermore, it has a pair of vertical facial spots in the shape of a melon-seed, a pair of dark fuscous bands curving at right angle on 4th abdominal tergum, an unusually large dark brown spot at the apex of wing and three postsutural yellow vittae almost equal in width, etc. Therefore, it can be readily distinguished from the k^nown congeners, although it appears to fit near D. (Asiadacus) dianensis Wang et Zhao from Province Yunnan, but differs in the following ways: 1) facial spots in the shape of a melon-seed, not elliptic; 2) medial postsutural vitta a little wider than lateral postsutural vittae, not about 2 times; 3) lateral postsutural vittae with posterior 1/2 tapering off to a point well before upper posterior supra-alar bristles, not parallel-sided and ending at upper posterior supra-alar bristles; 4)presutural spots present, not absent; 5)costal band slightly interrupted at the apex of vein R2+3 and at once expanded into a large spot extending to vein M 1+2, not largely interrupted and the apical spot extending midway in cell R5; 6) 4th tergum on each side with a right angled fuscous, not hooked pattern.Length: body 6.0 mm, wing 5.5 mm.
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1993年第2期137-143,共7页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 分类学 实蝇科 寡毛实蝇属 新种 Taxonomy, Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacus, New species
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  • 1Chen S H,Sinensia,1940年,11卷,1/2期,131页











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