The buprestid genus Megaloxantha Kerremans, with mostly beautiful and gigantic members, has been revised by Y. Kurosawa (1978) and has 15 species and subspecies in world fauna. It is widely distributed in the tropical rainforest regions of India, Indochina, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and the Philippines, but there is yet no record from China. The present, paper reports two new species collected from Guizhou and Hainan, and they are described as follows.1.Megaloxantha luodiana Yang et Xie, sp. nov. (fig. 1)Holotype , Guizhou Province: Luodian Co. (106.7E, 25.4N), 400 m, V -1956, collected by Liu Jingwen, depasited in the Insect Collection of Beijing Agricultural University. Paratype 1 (broken), same as the holotype, kept in the Institute of Plant Protection, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Body length 71.5 mm, width 21.5 mm. Head and pronotum bluish black, with a large brown tubercle at the posterior angles of pronotum. Elytra metallic green, subparallel, the yellow markings small and oblique. Legs bluish black. Body beneath brownish ivory, head, lateral margin of prosternal process and pleura of pro-and meso-thorax bluish black. Metasternum with a subtriangular black marking above the transverse suture. Allied to M. bicolor (FabriciusX but differs from it by the colour of head and thorax, the markings of pronotum and elytra also very different. Especially the black markings on the body beneath can separate it from all the other species of this genus.2.Megaloxantha hainana Yang et Xie, sp. nov. (figs. 2, 3)Holotype ,Hainan Province: Danxian Co. (Nada) (109.5E, 19.5N), VI -1974, collected by Ping Zhengming, deposited in the Entomological Museum, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi.Body length 61.0 mm, width 22.5 mm. Head bluish black, front before the V-shape suture and around the eyes metallic blue. Pronotum dark blue, shining, with a very large yellowish brown tubercle at the posterior angles of pronotum. Elytra golden green with bronzy shining, dilated posteriorly, about 2.2 times as long as wide, the yellow markings large and around with irregular blue margin. Legs bluish black. Body beneath yellowish ivory, the bluish black parts and the black marking of metasternum like the above species. This new species with elytra broadened posteriorly somewhat similar to M. netscheri (Lansberg), but easily distinguishable from it by the pronotum, the latter without any tubercle at the posterior angles, and belonging to a different species-group.
Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Megaloxantha, New species.