
贵州省草蛉区系的研究(脉翅目:草蛉科) 被引量:1

摘要 贵州省草蛉缺乏系统调查研究,现根据北京农业大学和中国科学院动物研究所的收藏,鉴定了8属16种草蛉,以检索表形式附以贵州省的分布,其中包括5新种和1个新异名,并调整了4个新组合种,新种的模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。 This is the first report on Chrysopidae from Guizhou Province. 16 species are included, 5 of them are new to science, one species is transferred from Navasius to Dichochrgsa. A key to the known species is given. The type specimens are kept in the Insect Collection of Beijing Agricultural University. 1.Chrysoperla euneura Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig.1) Length of body 6 mm, of forewing 10.1 mm, of hindwing 8 mm.Head yellow with darkish brown spots on each gena and clypeus. Antennae yellowish brown with tip dark brown. Thorax with a yellow longitudinal stripe. Forewing with 19 costal crossveins, which are brown near the vein Sc. Radial crossveins brown at both the ends. Gradate veins dark brown, the left with 5/6, the right ditto, Hindwing with the radial crossveins brown at the ends, gradates dark brown.The male genitalia is shown as in fig.1.Holotype , Heshan, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, 26-IX -1974, by Yang Chi kun; allotype , Panshan County, Guizhou Province, 2-Ⅷ -1980, by Huang Rong-sheng.This new species is allied to Chrgsoperla concinna Holzel from Iran, but without any dark spot at the base of forewing, and the middle of tignum very broad.2.Dichochrysa forcipata Yang et Yang, sp. nov, (fig.2) Length of body 8.8 mm, of forewing 11.3 mm, of hindwing 10.5 mm.Head yellowish brown, only with one dark spot on each gena. Antennae slightly brown, longer than the forewing. Thorax with a.yellow longitudinal stripe, the lateral margins brown. Forewing with 21 dark brown costal crossveins. Radial crossveins, the veins between Psm-Psc and the gradates dark brown. The gradates with left 7/6, right 6/7. In the hindwings, the costal crossveins, crossveins of the radius and the gradates brown. The gradate veins with left 5/5, right 5/7.The male genitalia is shown as in fig. 2.Holotype , allotype , Shaowu County, Fujian Province, 23- V -1945, (Chao Hsiu-fu);paratypes= 2 , as holotype, 31-Ⅶ-1943, Ⅷ - 1945;Guadun, 1, Ⅶ-1963; Shaowu, 1 , 14- Ⅶ -1963, (Chou Io);.Jianou 1 , 22-VI -1976; Zhenghe 1, 28- X - 1977, (Qi Shicheng). Guizhou Province: G uiyang City, 1 , 25- V - 1981, (Li Fasheng); 3 , 2、5、 21-Ⅶ-1987, 2 , 6- IX -1987, (Yang Chi-kun). Huaxi County. 1, 1, 22- V -1981,2 ,3 ,26- V -1981 (Li Fasheng); 1, 26- V -1981, (Liu Jingwen).This new species is allied to the Nepalese Dichochrysa obvia (Holzel)comb, nov., but, differs in the spots of the head, the color of forewing stigma, and the gonarcus of the male genitalia.3.Dichochrysa gradata Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig.3) Length of body 9 mm, of forewing 11 mm, of hindwing 10 mm. Head yellow, immaculate. Antennae slightly yellowish brown, with the first segment yellow. A yellow longitudinal stripe on the thorax. All the veins of fore- and hindwings green except the outer gradate veins and the eighth veins between Psm -Psc dark.The male and female genitalia are shown as in fig. 3.Holotype, allotype , Huaxi County, Guizhou Province, 1000 m, 22- V -1981, paratypes:2 ,22- V -1981. 2 , 27-28- V -1981, (Li Fasheng), Guiyang City, 2 , 25-V -1981, (Yang Chi-kun); 1, 27-V -1981, (Liang Chuenmei); Leishan County, 1 1, 20- V - 1979,(Zhou Jianhua).This new species much resembles Dichochrysa decolor (Navas)comb. nov., but the latter with the radial crossveins and gradates of forewing dark brown;the male genitalia is also different.4. Dichochrysa mediata Yang et Yang, sp. nov. (fig.4) Length of body 6 mm, of forewing 11 mm, of hind wing 9mm.Head yellow, with black spots on each gena and clypeus. Antennae brown, slightly shorter than the forewing. On the thorax a broad yellow longitudinal stripe. Forewing with 28 costal crossveins, which are brown at both ends. Radial crossveins brown near the vein R1. Gradates green at both the ends, brown at the middle. Hindwing with 14 black brown costal crossveins and green gradate veins.The male genitalia is shown as in fig. 4.Holotype , Xingyi County, Guizhou Province, 9- VI - 1988, by Wu Hong.This new species is similar to Dichochrysa lophophora (Yang et Yang) comb, nov., but differs in the color of the veins between Psm - Psc and the gradate veins.5. Re
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1993年第4期265-274,共10页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 脉翅目 草蛉科 新种 贵州 Neuroptera, Chrysopidae, New species, Guizhou.
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