隐粉蛉属Cryptoscenea在囊粉蛉亚科(Aleuropteryginae)中是比较特殊的,其前翅中脉上缺少一般均具有的2个脉鬃。Enderlein 1914年以其1906年所描述的Helicoconis australiensis作为模式种建立了此属,至今只记载有5个种,除1种在新几内亚外,其余均分布在澳洲,本文系此属在我国的首次纪录,并增加1新种。所有模式标本均保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。
This paper deals with Cryptoscenea Enderlein (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae), which is recorded for the first time in China, and one species new to science is described. The type specimens are kept in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.Cryptoscenea orientalis Yang et Liu, sp. n.This is a peculiar species, which may be easily identified by the bicolorous antennae. Of the 23 segments of the antenna, segments 4-7 and 13- 16 are usually whitish,and the others are blackish, but the terminal one is sometimes also whitish.Holotype , allotype , and paratypes 4 8, Guizhou Prov.: Luodian, 26-Ⅷ -1987. Paratypes from Hainan Prov.: 1 , Mt. Qongshan, 24-Ⅶ -1974, 1 , Mt. Jianfengling, 16- Ⅶ -1974; 1, Nada, 12-Ⅶ -1974. Paratypes from Guangxi Prov., 1, Ningming,21- V - 1984;1,Shangsi Co.;1 , Xiashi, 7- V -1963.
Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae, Cryptoscenea, New species, China.