本文描述的黑卵蜂一新种由湖南省沅江市漉湖芦苇科技站周健保、石跃龙和蒋云芳等同志从芦毒蛾卵中育出。芦毒蛾Laelia coenosa candida Leech是对制浆造纸工业的重要原料——荻和芦为害很大的一种毒蛾,发生严重时能将成片的荻芦叶片吃光,使茎杆重量减轻,甚至发生早衰死杆现象。芦毒蛾黑卵蜂Telenomus laelia Wu et Huang在苇田对芦毒蛾卵的自然寄生率最高可达75.9%。繁放芦毒蛾黑卵蜂是综合治理芦毒蛾一项重要的生物防治措施。
Telenomus laelia Wu et Huang sp. nov. has been reared from the eggs of Laelia coenosa candida Leech in Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province, China. The biological features of this spe-cies are disccussed.Telenomus laelia Wu et Huang:, sp. nov. (fig. 1)This species is very similar to T. wengyuanensis Chen et Wu (Acta Zootaxonomica Sini-ca, 1980, 5(4): 428-429), but the latter is easily separated from it by the following charac-ters:gaster 2 times as long as broad, 1.5 times as long as mesosoma; apex of aedeagus roundly produced, not emarginate, phallcbase 2.4 times as long as basal ring (cardo), 3.3 times as long as aedeagus.Holotype , Yuanjiang, Hunan, Oct. 10, 1988. ex. Laelia coenosa Candida Leech, collec-ted by Shi Yuelong; allotype , paratypes 27, 5, with same data as holotype, deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.
Acta Entomologica Sinica