

Issues of Livelihood,Sustainable Development and Governance:Bay of Bengal
摘要 本文依据全球国际水域评估53号亚区——孟加拉湾的研究成果。文章介绍了该地区情况,指出孟加拉湾区的发展指标有很大的差别,生活在南亚地区的大量贫困人口是一个需要特别关注的因子。文章选择了3个地理区域进行详细分析:①恒河-布拉马普特拉河-梅加拉亚河河流系统;②马来西亚美保(Merbok)河口红树林区;③孟加拉国的萨德班斯(Sunderbans)红树林区。水资源综合管理要依靠孟加拉国、印度和尼泊尔国为了共同利益进行地区间相互合作,文章对此提出了相应的政策建议。文章还分析了马来西亚城市化和孟加拉国养虾业无序扩展对红树林生态系统的影响。要通过改进管理方法,在保护自然生态系统安全同时提高养虾业经济效益。总之,这些措施需要成为各国为实现联合国制定的世纪发展目标而努力奋斗的组成部分。 This article is based on the findings of the Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA) Subregion 53,Bay of Bengal.It introduces the Subregion.The wide disparity in development indicators in the Bay of Bengal Subregion (BOBSR) is presented. The large population of poor people living in South Asia is presented as a factor that needs special attention.The article focuses on the 3 geographic sites selected for detailed analysis:i) the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river systems;ii) the Merbok Estuary mangroves,Malaysia;and iii) the Sunderbans mangroves, Bangladesh.Integrated water management based upon regional cooperation among Bangladesh,India and Nepal holds opportunities for mutual benefit.Policy options are proposed.For mangrove ecosystems,the impacts of urbanization in Malaysia and the unmanaged expansion of shrimp farming in Bangladesh are analyzed.Improved governance was seen to hold promise for enhancing economic benefits from shrimp farming while safeguarding the natural ecological system. However,these measures need to be a part of national efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2004年第1期29-38,共10页
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