
苏禄-苏拉威西海:环境与社会经济状况:对未来的预测及作出改进的政策选择 被引量:2

The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea:Environmental and Socioeconomic Status,Future Prognosis and Ameliorative Policy Options
摘要 苏禄-苏拉威西海,及相邻的印度尼西亚海和南海,位于世界热带海洋生物多样性的中心。苏禄-苏拉威西海由3个人口众多的发展中国家——菲律宾、印度尼西亚和马来西亚所包围,该海及其毗连的沿海和陆地生态系养育着大约3300万人口,其中大部分人口的生计主要依赖于该海的可再生自然资源。由于人口的快速增长(平均年增长率大于2%,至2035年可望翻一番),广泛的贫困,加上不断增长的国际市场的需求和快速的技术变化,以及管理效能低下和在当地居民中,特别是在菲律宾和印度尼西亚某些地区,缺乏法律意识和/或认同,这些资源正经历着严重的冲击。这些关键性的根源造成了非法行为和腐败的产生,引起了资源枯竭和集水流域、河流、湖泊、河口、沿岸水域及海洋等水域的生态系统严重退化。苏禄-苏拉威西海形成了一个重要的地缘政治核心,断断续续的边界、移民、分离主义运动、海盗及非法捕捞造成了环境退化,人类苦难,政治不稳定,以及阻碍了三边对各种介入强有力的相互支持。本文分析了对环境和社会经济状况的各种影响及其产生的根源,提出了至2020年对未来状况的预测,以及推荐通过可持续的管理和发展的各种政策选择,以便作出改进。 The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea,with neighboring Indonesian Seas and South China Sea,lies at the center of the world's tropical marine biodiversity.Encircled by 3 populous, developing nations,the Philippines,Indonesia and Malaysia,the Sea and its adjacent coastal and terrestrial ecosystems,supports ca.33 million people,most with subsistence livelihoods heavily reliant on its renewable natural resources,These resources are being impacted severely by rapid population growth (> 2% yr^1,with expected doubling by 2035) and widespread poverty,coupled with increasing international market demand and rapid technological changes,compounded by inefficiencies in governance and a lack of awareness and/or acceptance of some laws among local populations,particularly in parts of the Philippines and Indonesia. These key root causes all contribute to illegal practices and corruption,and are resulting in severe resource depletion and degradation of water catchments,river, lacustrine,estuarine,coastal,and marine ecosystems.The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea forms a major geopolitical focus,with porous borders,transmigration,separatist movements,piracy,and illegal fishing all contributing to environmental degradation, human suffering and political instability,and inhibiting strong trilateral support for interventions.This review analyzes these multifarious environmental and socioeconomic impacts and their root causes,provides a future prognosis of status by 2020,and recommends policy options aimed at amelioration through sustainable management and development.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2004年第1期76-84,102,共9页
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