作者在整理采自大别山区蚱总科际本时,发现内有米蚱属(Mishtshenkotetrix Harz,1973)一新种,本属为国内首次记录,现记述如下。模式标本保存于山东大学生物系及陕西师范大学生物系。 突背米蚱 Mishtshenkotetrix gibberosa新种(图1—2) 雌性 小型。颜面近垂直,颜面隆起侧面观与头顶形成圆角形,在复眼之前明显凹陷,在触角之间向前突出,在中央单眼之下又明显凹陷;颜面隆起在中单眼以上具纵沟。
This paper reports a new species of Tetrigoidea from Anhui, China. Type spe-cimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, ShaDdong University and Depart-ment of Biology, Shaanxi Normal University.Mishtshenkotetrix gibberosa sp. nov. (figs. 1-2)This new species is allied to M. transsylvanicas (Baz. et Kis), but differs in: (1) The median keel of pronotum in the female very high; (2) the upper and lo-wer margin of hind femur not dilated apically.Holotype , Anhui Province, Huoshan, 700m., Aug. 31, 1989, collected by Wang Yu-wen, Pan Yong; paratypes 8, Anhui, Huoshan, Aug. 30, Sept. 3, 1989; 5, Anhui: Jinzhai, 900m, Aug. 21-23, 1989, 1, Hubei: Yinshan, 700m, Sept. 6, 1989, collected by Wang Yuwea, Pan Yong.
Acta Entomologica Sinica