

摘要 榆球坚蚧 Eulecanium ulmicola新种(图1) 产卵前雌成虫体长4.5(3.5~5.6)mm、宽3.4(3—4.5)mm、高3.2(2.2—4)mm;极个别虫体长2mm或超过5.6mm。体半球形至卵形、高突;褐色,光滑发亮;背中央色深,并有4纵列淡色连续斑纹。全体被有稀疏蜡粉。老熟死体呈暗褐色; Eulecanium ulmicola sp. nov. (fig. 1)Prereproductive adult female usually 4.5(3.5-5.6) mm long, 3.4(3-4.5)mm wide and 3.2(2.2-4)mm high; a few individuals 2mm or more than 5.6mm long; he-mispherical to ovoid, very convex, smooth and shiny, brown in color but darken on top with 4 continuously light marking bands, and covered with scattered wax powder. The body of grown dead female not wrinkly on back but strongly shrinks along the lateral margin attached to the host. The parasitized more rounded, shining and lar-ger than the normal Some individuals laterally with two longitudinal depressions which are indistinctive and with slightly doited dents in transverse along the de-pressions.Microstructure-A row of marginal spines stout, conical and long with acutepoints; the length of the spine more than 4 times than the basic width; 15-22 spi-nes between ante- and post-spiracular depressions. Spiracular spines 2-3 in each group, nearly the same thick as but shorter and closer to each other than the mar-ginal's, and also same shape and length, usually without tapering apexes. Antenna 7-segmented, of which the third one is the longest, and total length of all segments is one eighteenth of that of the body. The leg small, the proportions in length of segments: femur: tibia = 1.13-1.14:1; tibia:tarsus = 1.75:1. The claw with a den-ticle which is apparent. Spiracular peritreme not large, its diameter as long as two third of hind femur. Large tubular ducts form the submarginal band, about 5 ducts in width, and small groups around mouthparts. Small tubular ducts sparsely occur in median area. Muiti(often 10)-loci pores not dense in median region but in trans-verse bands on abdomen and a few or one near each antenna. Quinquelocular pores, about 10, form per spiracular road which is an irregular row. A row of submarginal setae indistinctive; also absent is a row of setae internal to the band of obscurebo-reded pores; the body spines present 2-3 in three small groups external to the dis-tribution boundary of multiloci pores on posterior abdomen. Interantennal setae 2 pairs. Prevulvar setae 3 pairs which are the same long. Eorsum: Simple disc pores and small tubular ducts numerous, but the former denser in central region. Body spines thin and long, and scatter over. Anal plate obtuse triangle, its length 2.3 ti-mes as long as its width, and external angle round; with 2 dorsal apical setae as well as 3 internal-margin setae, all hair-like. Anal ring well developed, with 2 rows of ring pores and 8 stout and long hairs. Scleroid band around both anal plates and anal clefts.Holotype: Female; Taigu, Shanxi, P.R. China; on Ulmus sp ; April 24, 1989. Collected by the writer, preserved in the Research Section of Scale Insects, Shanxi Agricultural University.Paratypes: 7 females; ditto except one female dated Sept. 13, 1989. Metatypes: 20 dry specimens; collected from the above place and host individuals, but dated Sept. 13, 1989This species resembles both Eulecanium kostylevi Borchs. in prereproductive stage and Eulecanium cilia (?)n (Douglas) in grown dead siage, but their differences are as follow:E. kostylevi E. ulmicola1. dead body very wrinkly on top 1. not wrinkly, but smooth2. spiracular spines much thiner than . 2. almost the same thick as the margi-the marginal's and tapering on apexes nal's and not tapering on apexes3. femur as long as the diameter of 3. femur longer than the diameter spiracular peritreme of spiracular peritreme4. anal ring with 6 setae 4. anal ring with 8 setae5. disc pores and tubular ducts rare on 5. both numerous on dorsum dorsumE. ciliatum E. ulmicola1. young adult female flattened; body 1. high iy convex; body width nearly equal width 1 4 rimes greater than height or to heightmore2. claw without any denticles 2. claw with a denticle3. anal plate 2 times, as long as wide, 3. anal plate 2.3 times as long as wide, external triangle right form external triangle obtuse and round4. no scleroid band around anal plates 4. scleroid band around anal plates and and clefts clefts
作者 张展元
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第4期482-485,共4页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
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