为了解儿童计划免疫保偿制在不同经济发展水平地区的作用 ,以适应市场经济的发展、完善和调整保偿金的筹措机制 ,我们开展了不同经济发展水平地区与计划免疫保偿金影响指数关系的研究 ,在全省范围内随机抽查了 4 2个乡 (镇、街道 )的预防保健机构 ,结果表明 :3年来 ,各乡镇人均收入相差较大 ,介于 16 0 0~ 90 0 0元之间 ,平均增长速度为 2 4 .5 4 % ;而 EPI保偿金影响指数介于 0 .15~ 3.0 3之间 ,平均下降速度为 2 9.5 2 %。相关回归分析结果为 :r96 =- 0 .6 4、r97=- 0 .6 6和 r98=- 0 .6 8,相关系数差异有统计学意义 (P<0 .0 0 1) ,表明不同地区的经济水平与
To learn the effect of the expanded planning immunization (EPI) insurance for children in areas with different economic development levels, and to further perfect and modify the financing mechanism of the EPI insurance, we studied the relationship between the effect index of EPI insurance funds and the economic development levels in the different areas. We randomly sampled and investigated 42 prevention and health care organizations with township level in the whole province. The results indicated that the range of per capita income in township was large, which was from 1600 Yuan to 9000 Yuan. The increasing rate of average income was 24.5% in the past three years. However, the effect index of EPI insurance funds was from 0.15 to3.03 and the decreasing rate was 29.52%. Coefficients of correlation were -0.64, -0.66 and -0.68 respectively in 1996,1997,1998. Through student-test, the probability was less than 0.001. There is negative correlation between the effect index of EPI insurance funds and the economic development levels in the different areas.
Chinese Health Service Management
江苏省卫生厅资助课题 (项目编号 :F9868)
Economic level Expanded planning immunization insurance Effect index