目的 :了解消毒剂在使用过程中污染菌的质粒谱情况。方法 :采用 Kado- liu改良法提取质粒 DNA,琼脂糖电泳。结果 :选取从深圳市龙岗区各医疗卫生单位常用的五种使用中消毒剂中分离到的 4 8株细菌 ,进行质粒图谱分析发现 :消毒剂在使用过程中的污染菌质粒与标准菌株相比较 ,质粒谱发生了改变 ;不同消毒剂中同种污染菌的质粒谱不同 ;相同消毒剂中不同的污染菌质粒谱也不同。质粒均在 6 .1~ 11.2 MD之间 ,但在此范围外常伴有一个或多个质粒同时出现。结论 :消毒剂在使用过程中污染菌的质粒谱发生了改变。这种改变是否与其对抗生素耐药性或对消毒剂抗性有关 。
Objective:To understand the plasmid profiles of bacteria isolated from in-use disinfectants in Longgang district.Methods:Kado-lius improved method.Results:The isolated bacteria plasmid profiles were differed from stander strains.The same strains isolated from different disinfectants have different plasmid profiles.The different strains isolated from the same disinfectants have different plasmid profiles.The plasmid DNA size ranged 6.3 to 11.2 MD.Conclusion:The plasmid profiles of the bacteria isolated from in-use disinfectants had changed.We need further research about the relative between the plasmid and antibiotic or anti-disinfectant.
Modern Preventive Medicine