最近你的身边是否充斥着与蒙古族有关的讯息,《成吉思汗》在央视的热播,内蒙古文化周,草原博克大会……10月,乘着扑面而来的蒙族风情,本刊策划推出了“蒙古人”特辑,力求从城市、人种、医学、音乐等多种角度,呈现给读者一个丰富多彩的蒙古族。 专辑分为六个部分,其中《我们是蒙古人种》:从人种学的角度向我们阐释:大多数中国人及周边一些国家的人们都属于现代蒙古人种。《铁路驮起的二连浩特》:从边贸的角度理性客观地展示了二连浩特,这个连接欧亚大陆的“黄金口岸”独特的人文风貌。乌兰巴托是今天蒙古国的中心,是这个草原国家的首都,然而随着定居化进程的发展,从前的游牧民族现在是怎样生活的,《乌兰巴托:从草原到城市》将告诉你。 《蒙古骏马》以精美震撼的图片告诉你马在牧民的生活中充当着怎样重要的角色,没有蒙古马就没有成吉思汗成就一方的霸业。《寻访蒙医》拨除谬误,让我们见识一下真正的蒙古大夫。 《京城的蒙族音乐部落》带你去探访几位生活在北京的蒙族音乐人,听他们讲蒙族音乐的来龙去脉,以及这些在他乡的蒙族人是如何生活的。
Riding the recent wave of interest in Mongolian culture, this month our magazine has put out a special Mongolia issue. Inside we will give you a full rich view of the Mongolians covering such topics as ethnicity, Mongolian medicine, and music. From the angle of ethnic studies, we will explore issues relating to the Mongoloid race which includes most of the people in China and many people in surrounding countries. With the development of sedentary lifestyles in Mongolia, we will see how nomadic peoples continue to live. We will also reveal the city Erlianhaote, "The Goldern Harbor," from the angle of cross-boarder trade and Ulan Bator, the central capital city of Mongolia. The article "Mongolian Horses" uses dramatic photography to illustrate the fact that without the help of Mongolian horses there would never have been a powerful Genghis Khan. "In Search of the Mongolian Doctors" allows us to witness real Mongolian doctors in practice. "The Capital's Mongolian Music Tribes" tells the story of a group of Mongolian musicians in Beijing.
Cultural Geography