在信用证结算方式下,出口商经常遭遇被拒付、开证银行破产及信用证交易欺诈等风险。海运提单往往是信用证业 务中一个至关重要的单据,本文从审核海运提单的要点、海运提单条款1/3正本直寄、信用证条款中关于海运提单的内容理解 三个方面,阐述了信用证业务中处理海运提单的要点。
When using L/C to settle accounts, exporters confront risks such as refusal of payment, bankruptcy of banks that issue L/Cs, and frauds. As bills of lading are crucial documents in L/C transactions, this paper focuses on B/L verification, checking, sending of 1/3 original B/L, and the majors points concerning B/Ls when using L/C.