新一轮中小学课程改革对青少年的思想道德、知识结构、实践能力、身心健康、创新意识、审美情趣等基本素质提出了新的要求。根据新的发展要求 ,中学阶段的语文教育要立足于人的发展 ,立足于普遍提高学生的语文素养 ,促进学生素质的全面发展 ,为学生的终身学习、生活和发展奠定坚实的基础。语文教育必须充分体现新课程及教材在智、能、情三个层面的价值取向上对中学生的要求 ,既要注重对学生智力发展 ,又要注重对学生语文能力素养的培养 ,同时还要注重对学生情感、灵性的熏陶启迪 ,使语文的工具性、思想性和人文性在这些价值取向上得以充分而和谐地体现。
A new trend of reform in elementary and middle school curriculum focuses upon the development of students' all-round quality,including morality,knowledge structure,practical skills,mental and physical health,creativeness and so on.Therefore,the education of the Chinese language in the middle school stage should be student-centred and lay a solid foundation for students' life-long development.It cultivates not only students' mentality,but also their Chinese ability and their perfect affections.Only in this way can the Chinese education play its multi-functions.