梁启超与五四运动的酝酿、发生、发展有着密切的关系。梁启超的社会改造学说促进了五四运动思想气候的形成 ;五四时期的新文化运动是梁启超领导的晚清文化革新的继续和发展 ;梁启超直接促成了五四运动的爆发。因此可以说 ,梁启超对五四运动是有所贡献的。但也应该看到 ,在主观上 ,梁启超并不想发动五四运动。
Objectively, Liang Qichao played an important role in the start and progress of the May 4th Movement of 1919. In particular, his idea of society reform armed the movement with theoretical support and the New Culture Movement around 1919 turned out to be a continuous development of the Culture Reform of the late Qin Dynasty led by Liang Qichao. However, subjectively, Liang did not mean to start the movement.