女真文、汉文《九峰石壁纪功碑》 2 0世纪 80年代发现于蒙古国 ,是继《永宁寺碑》后女真文碑铭的又一重大发现。《九峰石壁纪功碑》所记载的是金明昌七年 ( 1 1 96年 )尚书右丞完颜襄率军在斡里札河讨伐北“术孛”(阻卜 ,亦作阻 )大获全胜的一段史实 ,由于碑文对国号、历史事件发生的时间和重要人物的姓名、官称、封号都有明确的记载 ,因此对《金史》、《元史》都具有重要的补证价值 ;又由于存世的女真文碑铭极为罕见 。
The two collated steles of Jiufeng shibi jigong bei(the victory memorial stele at the bottom of Jiufeng cliff), which were engraved in Jurchen script and Chinese were discovered in Mongolia in 1980s. They were erected in the 7th year of Mingchang in Jin dynasty(1196). The inscriptions recorded the history fact that the Jin armies led by Shangshu Youcheng Wanyan xiang defeated the armies of Jubo on the coast of the Wolija River. For recording the time on which the case occurred and the name of the important person clearly, the inscriptions has a supplementary value for the study of the history of Jin and Yuan dynasty. As the Jurchen steles were very limited, the interpretation of the inscription will deepen our understanding of the Jurchen language.
Journal of World Peoples Studies