通过问卷调查法、文献法和走访调查法,对江西8市20余县上百个乡进行调查,结果表明,江西竞龙舟普及率 高达90%以上,赛船为龙形(有龙头龙尾)的占92%,竞龙舟还有乐器鼓、锣、唢呐、喇叭等,甚至在少数地区还保留了 古老的棹歌与喊号,尤其是江西竞龙舟与赣剧的结合形式是最有地方特色的。
An investigation has been made, by means of questionnaires, documents and interviews, on the dragon-boat culture in 20 odd counties and 8 cities in Jiangxi province. The results show that the dragon-boat race is popular in over 90 percent of the above mentioned regions, that 92 percent of the racing boats are dragon-shaped with dragon head and dragon tail, that such musical instruments as drum, gong, suona horn and trumpet are involved in the race and some regions even preserve the ancient zhao song and hao-zi, and that the form with local uniqueness is the combination of dragon-boat race with Gan opera.
Sports Science Research