
蔬菜育种的三向选择策略及其定量化实施方法初探 被引量:2

Three-Way Selection Strategy in Vegetable Breeding and Its Quantitative Application
摘要 在分析现有蔬菜育种技术的特点和杂种优势育种中存在的问题的基础上,从杂种优势育种中自交系的选育理论和国内外的蔬菜育种实践中,概括、总结出蔬菜育种的三向选择策略,即基于从选育出的材料直接应用于目前的新品种育种实践的目标考虑,在对一基本材料的分离世代(如F2代)进行选择时,除以对照品种为依据,按有性杂交育种途径经多代选择选育出新品种外,还可按照杂种优势育种目标中对母本、父本的要求,经多代选择选育出母本自交系、父本自交系。实践中,三向选择策略的实施方法有定性法和定量法2种,但定量法能更大程度地提高育种效率,将更受育种者的青睐。初步从遗传上探讨了三向选择策略在杂种优势育种中的两种定量化实施方法:1)以对照品种为依据,2)以杂种优势预见性育种理论为依据。这2种定量化实施方法,均解决了亲本自交系的选择指标定量化这一难题,从而可以定向选育亲本,提高了杂种优势育种的预见性和育种效率。 From the selection theory of inbred lines in crop heterosis breeding and long-term breeding practice at home and abroad, three-way selection strategy of vegetable breeding was summarized and developed on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of crop breeding techniques and the existing problems in vegetable crop heterosis breeding. This strategy is stated as follows. When it is considered that the inbred lines are directly applied in the present breeding practice, inbred lines for mother parent and father parent are obtained after multiple generation selection from the segregant generation (e.g. F2) of basic materials (cultivars, crosses, etc) according to the requirements of heterosis breeding, respectively, beside that the new cultivar is developed from the same F2 population in the light of sexual crossbreeding. In practice, there are qualitative application method and quantitative application method for three-way selection strategy of vegetable breeding. Quantitative application method may highly increase the crop breeding efficiency, and will be favored by the plant breeder. The two application methods for three-way selection strategy are genetically explored.
作者 王得元
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 2004年第3期75-79,共5页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2002AA207012-2) 广东省重点科技攻关项目(A20202 2002A2070201 2002A2070605 2004重大专项) 广东省自然科学基金(000162) 广州市重点科技攻关项目(2002Z2-E0192 98-Z-03-003) 广东省农业科学院院长基金项目(2001-基金-0
关键词 蔬菜育种 定量化 杂种优势 育种效率 vegetable breeding three-way selection strategy quantitative application
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