以跨高比L0 /h为参数 ,采用《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程》(CECS 10 2 :2 0 0 2 )和《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 5 0 0 0 9- 2 0 0 1)的风荷载体型系数 ,以大量的工程实例进行对比分析 ,得出门式刚架控制设计的几点重要结论。
Taking span-height ratio as the parameter and using the wind load′s profile coefficients in 'Technical Specification for Steel Structures of Light-Weight Buildings with Portal Frames' (CECS 102:2002) and 'Load Code of Building Structure' (GB 50009-2001), a comparative analysis is conducted according to a large amount of engineering examples, throuth which some important conclusions are obtained.
Steel Construction