云龙河一级水电站混凝土质量缺陷严重 ,甚至出现了猫洞 ,漏水量相当大 ,同时 ,施工放样误差严重偏离设计要求 对产生混凝土质量缺陷的过程、原因及缺陷特征进行了分析 ,并对混凝土缺陷部位的处理方案和实施方案进行了较为详细的阐述 ,将处理措施付诸实施后 ,获得了成功 。
Because of several historical reasons, there are heavy defects of quality level of powerhouse concrete placement for Cascade I Hydropower Station at Yunlonghe River. Especially,there exist some cellular parts and ballast-surface in the concrete surface of the project. In some places,the water leakage is much higher. At the same time,the construction setting-out works cannot be eaugth the desired level of designing. In this paper, the process and causes leading to lower level in quality of concrete are analyze;the characteristics of thedefects of the concrete are described too. Finally,the designing treatment approaches to the defects in the concrete are expounded in detail. The effects of the treatments for the defects in the concrete is satisfied from the practical operation of the hydropower station.
Journal of China Three Gorges University:Natural Sciences