利用Matlab语言的矩阵代数运算、数据图形等方面优势 ,对结构地震反应数值分析的解析递推格式重新进行了编写 ,克服了Fortran等语言矩阵运算能力较差 ,编程复杂的缺点 ,使其除了在已经广泛应用的反应谱计算外 ,还可以直接进行结构的地震反应中 ,充分发挥这种方法精度较高 ,无条件稳定 ,非线性解决好的优点 .
Using the advantages of Matlab lang uage,such as data graph and the matrix operation,the analytical recursion scheme f or numerical analysis of seismic structural response is compiled again,it surmo unts the bad matrix operational abilities and complex programming,such as Fortr an,makes it directly carry out structural seismic reaction besides the earthqu ake response spectra. It is higher to develop the advantages of accurater,unc onditionally stable of this kind of method.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering