简要分析了发电机组集散控制系统 (DCS)的CMOS电池对机组控制系统的重要性 ,介绍了目前MAXl0 0 0 +PLUS集散控制系统的工作站、DBM、DPU的CMOS电池的使用观状及在的隐患 ,并针对性地提出了一些防范改进措施 。
In this article,the author briefly introdu ces the im portance of the CMOS battery in MAX1000 +PLUS DCS and its power to the c lock of DCS,analyzes the power this to the clock of DCS,analyzed the CMOS batter y' life-span,present situation, and the hidden peril in the workstations,DBM,DPU of MAX1000+PLUS DCS,and pointedly put forward some sa feguard and improvement measures so as to ensure the power units to operate safe ly and steadily.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering