
Preparation of the W state via cavity QED

Preparation of the W state via cavity QED
摘要 A scheme for preparation of the tripartite W state via cavity quantum electrodynamics is presented in this paper. And the scheme can be generalized to prepare the n-atom W states. The second part of this paper shows how to prepare n-cavity W states. All cavities involved are initially in the vacuum states, thus the requirement on the quality factor of the cavities is greatly loosened. A scheme for preparation of the tripartite W state via cavity quantum electrodynamics is presented in this paper. And the scheme can be generalized to prepare the n-atcm W states. The second part of this paper shows how to prepare n-cavity W states. All cavities involved are initially in the vacuum states, thus the requirement on the quality factor of the cavities is greatly loosened.
机构地区 DepartmentofPhysics
出处 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期601-604,共4页 Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
关键词 量子物理学 缠绕状态 光子 海森堡模型 原子 <Keyword>Entangled states W state Cavity QED
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