目的 了解精神病人服用精神科药物过量的情况 ,并探讨预防措施。方法 回顾性调查服用精神科药物过量住院病人的病史 ,进行均数及发生率统计分析。结果 18年间服用精神科药物过量住院病人共有 4 73例。女性和青壮年者较多 ;中学学历、体力劳动多见 ;服用氯丙嗪、镇静安眠剂、氯氮平在过量病人中占较高比例 ;且同时服用多种药物者较多。常见疾病 :精神分裂症、抑郁发作。服药原因 :受精神病性症状支配者最多见 ,其次受消极情绪支配。结论 加强对精神分裂症和抑郁发作门诊病人的治疗 ,重视对家属进行药品管理的宣教 ,是防止精神科药物过量的预防措施。
Objective: To investigate the characteristics of overdose in psychiatric patients taking antipsychiatric drugs. Methods: We re-surveyed the case history of the inpatients who were overdosed by antipsychiatric drugs. Average and incidence analysis were used. Results: 473 patients were collected in eighteen years. There were many females and youth-middle ages, middle school, physical laborers. Most of the poisons were chlorpromazine, tranquilizer and clozapine or of their combination. Those common diseases were schizophrenia and depressive episode. The cause of taking antipsychiatric drugs was: most of the patients were suffering from psychotic symptoms or depressive mood. Conclusion: It is important to strengthen the treatment of outpatients with schizophrenia and depressive episode, and regard much to education of drug management. That′s the way to prevent psychiatric patients from overdose while taking antipsychiatric drugs.
Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry