
探究式课堂教学模式探析 被引量:7

An Analysis of Inquiry Teaching Model in Foreign Language Teaching
摘要 时代的发展和科技的进步要求我国的外语教学模式进行相应的改革 ,改革的核心是将传统的以教师为中心的被动式教学模式转变为以学生为主体的主动式的教学模式 ,在教学改革的过程中出现了很多体现学生中心地位的外语教学模式 ,有共同参与式、协作式、讨论式等。然而 ,一种以培养学生的自主学习能力为目标的新的课堂教学模式———探究式课堂教学给外语教学注入了新的活力。本文将从探究式课堂教学的实质、价值取向、操作过程及存在的问题等方面对探究式课堂教学进行思考并做出粗浅的分析。 The development of scientific technology requ ires our country's foreig n language education to be reformed. The reformed foreign language education esp ecially stresses the central function of the students instead of teachers in cla ss. That is, students are the masters of the classes. In order to display the ce ntral function of students, teachers attempted to create several methods includ ing the all-taking-part-in method, the cooperation method and the discussion met hod and so on. However, recently created inquiry teaching model catches people' s much attention and brings great vitality to the foreign language education. The main purpose of this kind of teaching model is to cultivate the students' inqu i ry autonomous learning which is very important to them. After careful considerat ion the authors try to discuss the essence, the value, the operation processe s of this teaching model and the problems existing in it.
作者 梁爱民 高虹
关键词 探究式课堂教学 教学模式 外语教学 自主学习能力 改革 学习兴趣 foreign language education reform inquiry tea ching inquiry autonomous learning the value the operation processes
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