研究攀枝花钛精矿盐酸法加压浸出产品粉化率的规律。根据研究和分析结果 ,总结出低粉化、高浸出率的优化工艺路线 :先将原矿在还原气氛中充分还原 ,尽可能地把其中的Fe3+ 还原成Fe2 + ,然后再进行弱氧化预处理和浸出。浸出金红石品位达 95 %以上 ,且基本保持矿粒的原有粒度 ,各项技术指标都能满足沸腾氯化法的要求。
The pulverization rules of synthetic rutile in ilmenite pressure-leaching proce s ses with hydrochloric acid. The optimal technology is developed based on the th e oretical analysis and experimental results. The primary imenite is firstly roast ed in reductive atmosphere, so that the Fe 3+ in imenite are reduced to as Fe 2+ p ossible. Then the weak oxidation pre-treatment and pressure-leaching are cond uct ed. The grade of the synthetic rutile from the pressure-leaching is more than 95 %, and the various requirements of fluidized bed roasting for chlorination are s atisfied.
Nonferrous Metals
国家"十五"科技攻关项目 (2 0 0 1BA60 9A -2 0 )