
我国辽宁五种蜘蛛记述(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目) 被引量:1

Notes on the Five Species of Spiders From Liaoning, China (Arachnida: Araneida)
摘要 本文记述了辽宁林区两种隐石蛛和三种球蛛。两种隐石蛛是:①辽隐石蛛,新种Titanoeca,liaoningensis Zhu,Gao et Guan sp.nov.,模式标本保存在河北省教育学院;②黄隐石蛛Titanoeca,flavicoma L.Koch,1872,为我国新纪录种。三种球蛛是:①沟岸希蛛Achaearanea riparia(Blackwall,1834);②爪罗伯蛛Robertus ungulatus Vogelsanger,1944;③云母球蛛Theridion margaritum(Yoshida,1985)。以上三种均为我国新纪录种。 This paper deals with two species of titanoecids and three species of comb-footeds from the forest regions Liaoning. The two species of titanoecids:① Titanoeca liaonigensis Zhu, Gao et Guan sp. nov. The type specimens are preserved in Hebei Educational College. ② Titanoeca flavicoma L. koch 1872. This one is a new record in China. Three species of comb-footeds: ① Achaearanea riparia (Blackwall,1834). ② Robertus ungulatus Vogelsanger, 1944. ③ Theridion margaritum (Yoshida 1985). These three species are all new record in China. Titan oeca liaoningensis Zhu, Gao et Guan, sp. nov. (Figs. 1~5) Holotype♀, allotype♂, paratypes 9♀♀, Qingyuan County (24°6′N, 124°54′E), Liaoning, June, 1988; paratypes 1♀ and 5, Shenyang City(41°48′N, 123°24′E), Liaoning, October 4, 1987. Length of female 7.5mm. Anterior eye row straight, posterior eye row slightly procurve. AME<PME=PLE<ALE (0.10∶0.13∶0.13∶0.15). Abdomen black brown, without pattern. Length of male 6.5~6.7mm. This new sppcies is allied to Titanoeca schineri and T. flavicoma, but differs from the latters in the shape of tibial process of the palp of a male, and also in structure of the vulva of epigynum.
出处 《辽宁大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1993年第2期74-80,共7页 Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition
关键词 蜘蛛目 隐石蛛科 球蛛科 黄隐石蛛 Araneae, Titanoecidae, New species.
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