本文以明代至民国时期闽西四保地区墟市的发展为例 ,讨论了墟市发展、商业化和社会结构的关系问题。在明中叶 ,四保共有 3个墟市。至民国时期 ,增为 9个。在大约 3 0华里的狭长地带 ,总共分布着 7个墟市。其中相邻的 3个墟市 ,墟期完全相同。这些事实单纯用乡村经济的商业化和施坚雅的标准市场共同体理论很难解释 ,必须将墟市发展置于当地的社会结构中进行考察 ,将之与地方政治联系起来。在墟市的发展过程中 ,当地乡村经济的商业化固然发挥了不容忽视的作用 ,但同时与地方势力集团进行权力较量和角逐对地方社会的控制也有着十分密切的联系。
In my case study of the development of fairs at Sibao, an area at the western Fu jian province, during the Ming dynasty and the Republic reign, I explore the rel ations among the development of fairs, commercialization and social structure. I n mid Ming dynasty, there were 3 fairs at Sibao. The number grew to 9 during the Republic reign. In a narrow zone of about 15 kilometers, there were 7 fairs, 3 adjacent ones of which were held at exactly the same time. Commercialization of rural economy and G. W. Skinner's theory of community in standard market a re not adequate in explaining the fact. To understand it, we must understand the devel opment of fairs in the context of local social structure, with connections to lo cal politics. In addition to the role of commercialization of rural economy that should never be neglected, power struggle of local forces and their control ove r the local society played an important role in the development of fairs.
Social Sciences in China