对来自日本、澳大利亚、法国以及中国香港、上海、江苏、浙江等地的 36个国内外花椰菜品种进行了比较试验和示范。根据花椰菜品种的生物学特性、作物的抗性 ,以及产品花球的外观色泽、紧实度 ,球重、产量和商品率 ,能否符合出口产品质量标准等方面 ,进行综合评价。结果筛选出适合崇明种植 ,品种抗性好、花球外观色泽洁白、紧实度好、出口商品率高、国内外市场需求潜力大的优良新品种 6个。其中国内品种 4个 ,国外品种 2个。
The comparison and demonstration trials of 36 caulif lower varieties newly introduced from home and abroad were carried out, and an o verall evaluation of the varieties was made according to their biological charac ters and disease resistance as well as their apparent head compactness and weigh t, yield and rate of marketable produce. As a result, 6 varieties, 4 from home a nd 2 from abroad, were selected, which not only are fit to be planted in Chongmi ng county and have a good disease resistance but also show pure white in head's appearance and compact in head, and reach a high rate of export commodity.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
农推字 (2 0 0 1)第 (4 )号部分内容。