In this paper, the intelligence status of minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) children were studied. The intelligence were determined in 112 MBD Children by wechsler intelligence scale for children-Revised (WISC-R). The result showed that (1) The intelligence of MBD Children is lower than that of healthy children. Part of them (6.25%) are lower than the lowest limit of normal value (IQ=70). (2) Intelligence defect of MBD children affects mainly the general capability which is closely related to the educational effect. This capability is measured objectively by the speech scale of WISC-R. The IQ of speech scale can be used as a diagnostic eriterion of MBD. Taking 88 as the diagnostic standard of that IQ, the missed-diagnosis rate is 0.20, the misdiagnosis rate 0.19 and the diagnostic efficiency 0.80. (3) The IQ of MBD children does not increase with the age, showing that MBD cannot be eured spontaneously when their ages increase.