应用冷冻辐照(CI)童虫苗和冻融(F/T)苗预防日本血吸虫病的4项实验室试验和1项田间试验,分别在1979~1980年进行,结果如下:(1)1次免疫皮内接种水牛犊10,000条20 krad CI童虫加1 ml卡介苗,得到62%减虫率(P<0.05);应用相同方法注射黄牛,得到55%减虫率(P<0.01)。(2)对水牛犊免疫2次,间隔1.5月,分别用10,000和20,000条CI童虫,结果得到减虫率65%。(3)应用10,000条CI童虫加1ml卡介苗对水牛犊进行初步田间试验,结果得到减虫率53%。(4)对黄牛皮内注射30,000条F/T童虫和1ml卡介苗,揭示减虫率57%,但增加免疫接种次数并未改进保护效果。(5)水牛应用CI苗,黄牛应用F/T苗,探究其对雌虫及其产卵和孵出毛蚴的数目的影响,获得了若干证明。(6)水牛用CI童虫苗免疫后所激发出的细胞和体液免疫应答,曾用淋巴细胞转化试验和酶联免疫吸附试验检测。
Four laboratory tests and one field trial with cryopreserved irradiated (CI) schistosomula va- ccine and a freeze-thaw (E/T) vaccine against bovine Schistosomiasis japonica were carried out in 1979 and 1980 with the following results: (1) Single intradermal vaccination in buffalo calves each with 10 000 20krad CI Schistosomula plus 1ml BCG gave 62% worm reduction (P<0.05). Using the same protocol 55% worm reduction (P<0.01) was obtained in cattle. (2) Buffalo ca- lves immunized twice, at a 1.5 month interval, with 10 009 and 20 000 CI schistosomula, respec- tively, resulted in a worm reduction 65%. (3) In a preliminary field trial with 10 000 CI schisto- somula plus 1 ml BCG rerulted in a worm reduction of 53% in buffalo calves. (4) Intradermal vaccination of 30 000 F/T schistosomula with 1 ml BCG was also tried in cattle and revealed a worm reduction of 57% but increasing the number of vaccinations did not improve the protective effect. (5) Evidence regarding the effects of immunization with CI vaccine in buffaloes and F/T vaccine in cattle, on the number of eggs and miracidia and that of female worms themselves was obtained. (6) Immune responses, cellular and humoral, elicited in buffaloes vaccinated with CI schistosomula were detected by means of Lymphocyte Transformation Assay and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology